WRK In Progress

Higurashi When They Podcast: Taraimawashi (feat. Nathan)

Episode Summary

Today's episode we read the 2.5th(?) book of the Higurashi When They Cry series, Taraimawashi, a PS2 arc made without Ryukishi's blessing. Our sprite artist Nathan (@coolestpenis on Twitter) joins us to talk about it briefly and then shoot the shit for the rest of the episode. What are Keiichi's friends hiding? Who the hell is this Akasaka guy? Good lord, what is happening in there?!

Episode Notes

All music cues are from Higurashi When They Cry.

Nathan's account: https://twitter.com/coolestpenis

Okonogi on Steam: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/whentheycry/images/8/88/Oko_def-.png/revision/latest?cb=20200517044230

Okonogi on consoles: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/whentheycry/images/a/a0/Okonogi_army.png/revision/latest?cb=20140817191955

AI Generated Higu characters: https://twitter.com/NotPeashyBee/status/1477393364291104769

Higurashi opening but made in Roblox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOZierAig5E

Animal Crossing Higurashi: https://twitter.com/CrossingSeacats/status/1467524078768558085